
I Love You. Now What?

*Falling in Love Is a Mystery, Keeping It Isn’t*
Often we enter into a relationship and say “I love you,” but then wonder “Now what?” Feeling love for someone is not enough to keep the spark alive. Successful relationships...

The Love Diet

*Expert Techniques for Mind-Blowing Sex*
The Love Diet is NOT about dropping dress sizes or shedding pounds. It's about feeding the heart and soul...
Publisher: El rayo. Harper Collins. - January 2006.
Sex & the perfect lover
Now and forever your dream has come true. You can be a perfect lover all your life; no age, time or place constraints, and no special body or sex requirements.
Publisher: ATRIA BOOKS ( SIMON AND SHUSTER) - Oct de 2005

Sex & the Erotic Lover
With equal doses of responsibility
and freedom for pleasure, Sex & the
Erotic Lover offers all practical and
theoretical keys to real sexual
freedom, covering sex, color,
religion, status, and place of
Publisher: Llewellyn - Sep de 2005

The seduction games
will provide you with very useful
information for your life regarding
your love and your relationships
with others in your society.
You ll learn the most concrete
secrets of your relationship with
money and friends and you ll
discover the hottest and highest
erotic desires of your future lover.
Publisher: Llewellyn-Agosto de 2005

Ser Angelical:
An autobiographical book with
original and unique techniques to
change your life through the
knowledge of divinity. A moving
text that will lead you to divine
understanding through the words of
the author. You'll...
Publisher: Llewellyn - Enero de 2005

El Sueño del amor
La magia del amor es divina La
magia sexual crea un nivel de
placer que va más allá de los límites
del cuerpo y la mente en el ser
humano. También guía a
la pareja en busca de soluciones
cuando se encuentra en momentos
de crisis. La magia sexual e...
Publisher: Llewellyn - Mayo de 2004

Tantrická kámasútra - Tao
dokonalého milence

Anotace: nebojte se prozkoumat
sexualitu prostøednictvím
starodávných vizualizaèních technik
èi tantrických a taoistických cvièení
Publisher: Fontana 2004 -
Mayo de 2004

O Amante perfeito
Introducing the ancient practices of
Tao, Tantra and Kamasutra to the
Western World, this amazing work
will transform your sex life in a way
you would never have imagined.
Women and men alike will enjoy
such levels of sensuality, affection
and eroti...
Febrero de 2004

Sex and the perfect lover
Introducing the ancient practices of
Tao, Tantra and Kamasutra to the
Western World, this amazing work
will transform your sex life in a way
you would never have
imagined.Women and men alike
will enjoy such levels of sensuality,
affection and erotici...
Publisher: Llewellyn. -
Diciembre de 2003

El Amante Perfecto
Introducing the ancient practices of
Tao, Tantra and Kamasutra to the
Western World, this amazing work
will transform your sex life in a way
you would never have imagined.
Women and men alike will enjoy
such levels of sensuality, affection
and eroti...
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide -
Mayo de 2003

¡Qué hay detrás de tu nombre?
This book has been awarded the
2003 Latino Literary Hall of Fame,
as the best self-help book. Each
name bears a destiny. The letters
that make it up hide the main
characteristics which will signal the
existence of each being. Just like the
powers ...
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide -
Noviembre de 2002

The Tao of Love and Sex
Who doesn t wish to be the perfect
lover? Who hasn t dreamed about
true and deep love, a love that
integrates our sexual and spiritual
energy? The Tao of love and sex will
show you the techniques to achieve
Publisher: Planeta – -
Octubre de 2001

A Guide to Angels –e-book
Angels guide and protect you every
day. If you learn to visualize them,
you ll be able to summon them to
your help, and they will enlighten
your life. This handbook teaches
how to invoke your guardian
angels, the angels of power...
Publisher: Corpo Solar – -
Diciembre de 2000

A Guide to Seduction and
Conquest – e-book

How does each zodiac sign go
about seduction? What do you need
to do to seduce them? What should
you beware of if you want to have a
solid relationship? What gift should
you choose for them? What arouses
them the most? This handbook will
enlighten yo...
Publisher: Corpo Solar – -
Octubre de 2000

Sexual Magic, e-book
Acquire a deep knowledge of your
body. Harmonize it. Know your
partner. Learn the sacred ritual and
enjoy sexuality beyond the physical
plane. With Sexual Magic you ll
learn the tricks to overcome
relationship crises and get a....
Publisher: Corpo Solar – -
Mayo de 2000

Reaching Out for Heaven
In Reaching Out for Heaven, find
beautiful and clear sayings, adages
and assertions for a life of
fulfillment. Mabel Iam s aim is to
show, intelligently and sensitively,
how... ...
Publisher: Latino -
Junio de 1999

Holding Hands with your Inner

In this book, the author delves into
the encounter between the inner
guide and your personality at a time
of confusion and conflict. The
meeting place: a cafe in the
“heart s cave”. Written as a
conversation, ....
Publisher: Latino -
Mayo de 1999

The Gift of the Goddess
Written in a spiritual style, this
novel emphasizes the main values
of human beings. By focusing on a
current issue, where the modern
world projects the demands of
external beauty and society ...
Publisher: Mega libros -
Abril de 1999

Your Every-day Guardians and

A surprising and clear definition of
the Angels that function as living
energies, and live within ourselves.
They work in the fashion of inner
archetypes, but in the case of
angels, ...
Publisher: Latino – -
Septiembre de 1998

What is vampirism? How can you
recognize vampire personalities?
Can you protect yourself? Why do
they affect us politically and
economically? What s the inner
enemy? How can we free ourselves
from physical and emotional pain?
These questions find a...
Publisher: Planeta – -
Noviembre de 1997

Your Sign Zones
A concrete and original explanation
of how the mental, emotional,
action and desire zones work in
every day life and in relationships.
Conflicts are shown as an internal
mirror of...
Publisher: Perfil -
Septiembre de 1997

Change your Destiny.
Showing great insight into astrology
from the point of view of self-help,
the book proposes ways to improve
the relationships among the signs,
true thoughts, feelings and their
characteristics. A key to...
Publisher: Perfil -
Abril de 1997
